Thursday, March 18, 2010

Home Study Update

Heather talked to Cindy (our social worker) today. Cindy was working on our homestudy today and had a few questions. She said she was going to work on it most of the day and try and get a lot done. We were very excited to hear about that. After she completes it, she will then email a copy to our Agency. Once the Agency agrees that it meets all the requirements, Cindy will send us the official notarized copies and we'll be off onto the next step.

We also did some digging into when we can get moving on our USCIS (U.S. Citizen Immigration Service) I-600A form. The official title of this form is the "Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition" - though most people probably already know that. This is part of the process that will need to be completed to allow our little girl to immigrate into the U.S. When we submit our I-600A form, we also need a notarized, completed copy of our homestudy to go along with it. We had hoped we could get that process going, but have been unable to get in touch with a real person to see if we could submit the form and follow up with the homestudy later. To no avail, they are like an impenetrable fortress. Other than a 1-800 number that goes into no man's land, we have been unable to find a phone number that connects to a real person. Their website is very good, but they clearly do not want any phone calls. I don't think a telemarketer could even get in touch with them. We don't think it will be a hold up in the process though, and so we will wait until our homestudy is completed before we submit the I-600A form.

Congratulations to the Gitlins. Their dossier has arrived in Ethiopia and they will likely get to avoid needing to take two trips. You can see their story at Our Hearts are in Africa.

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