Sunday, April 18, 2010

Amazing Adoption Research Paper!!

I am very happy to say that my research paper is almost complete!! It's about adoption and the rough draft is complete. (finally!) After three weeks, five and a half hand-written pages are ready to type tomorrow and hand in on Thursday. My English teacher warned me to choose a topic that I would enjoy writing about because I would be working on it for an excruciatingly long time!! She was excruciatingly right :( Although I love the topic of adoption it has been a long journey. Someday maybe you all will read it for I plan to be a world famous author (SARCASM!!!!!) I absolutely despise writing papers!! Thank you very much for reading my post. I'm hoping it's the first of many. Please let me know if I bore you and, of course, I won't post anymore :) Good-bye!!



  1. It was very moving. It brought tears to my eyes.

    -Rye Bread
    your emotional brother

    (that was sarcastic but the paper does seriously sound awesome.)

  2. you don't bore me I think you'd make a great writer
