Monday, August 15, 2011

Pray for this family!

Thankful for godly friends
Godly friends who are willing to give their lives to others
In spite of the busy-ness of their own lives

Lives that have recently included 
Adopting three from Russia
Giving their oldest in marriage
Sending one of their children to Central Asia
And another to Russia

In the midst of all of this
They still have a passion for orphan care
A passion to share their lives with others
A passion to live for Christ

As they are currently traveling to Central Asia
Where one of their girls will serve others
Their posts will be listed here and here and here

Please follow them
Please pray for them
Please encourage them

Their family is the type to jump on board with
And they will encourage you as you join them
Leave some comments
And let them know that they are not alone
Even though they already know
The One is who with them will never leave or forsake them

1 comment:

  1. they are an amazing family, and I'll be keeping them in my prayers!
