Monday, January 16, 2012

Reflecting on a Swing Set

Another swing set update!  We have now received $510!  I'm amazed by all of the support that so many people have shown with money coming from many different locations.

I am constantly thinking about how we're going to get all of this equipment into our checked luggage.  Wondering did we bite off too much?  What was I thinking?  And then I start to think of the smiles that await us, the excitement of the kids as we assemble the swing set, the joyous screams of children as they swing.  And that is when I remember that the hassles that we are facing are well worth it.

I worry about raising money for a swing set, they worry about finding food.

I worry about finding space in my luggage for swing set parts, they worry about having clothing to wear.

I worry about the endless hours of travel in a cramped airplane, they worry about sitting on a street curb alone for yet another night.

I worry about all of the vaccinations that I have to get, they worry about disease that will likely end their lives much too soon.

The swing set serves as another reminder of the different worlds that we come from - our world and their world.  We have so much - and for that we should not feel guilty, but thankful.  Because we don't go and we don't give because of guilt, we go and we give because of thankfulness.  We go and we give because God has flooded our lives with His goodness - flooded us to the point where it naturally flows to others.  And we want others to experience this flooding of goodness that only God can accomplish in someone's life.

Yes, reflecting on the swing set makes me more and more ready to go!  How about you?

1 comment:

  1. This is very close to where Josiah is from! Send love from us to the beautiful people in that part of the country.
