Saturday, February 27, 2010

Here we go.....

Certain that we were too old to blog, we were convinced by friends to give it a try. We're not sure why we're doing this other than to preserve our adoption journey and to share the info with friends.

Our adoption journey started in early November and has been moving sometimes slow and sometimes fast ever since. We are thankful for God's leading us along the way.

We are currently planning on adopting a 2-5 yr old girl from Ethiopia through All God's Children International (ACGI). This will add one more life to our already lively 5 child house. We're very excited about meeting her someday.

We've completed most of our dossier documents, all of our required training, our homestudy is in the process of being written, and we are nearly at a stage of waiting again - digesting all that's happened in the last few months.


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! i have loved blogging and you are NEVER too OLD for this! It will be a great way to record God's work in your life as you walk this road of adoption. Your kids will love to look back at this someday- especially the one that God is preparing for your family!

    Praying for you guys! Corrie

  2. Thank you for sharing this with me! Another new blessing and adventure for the Nordstrom's - I can remember even before Katie was here, and now look at you! I will keep an eye on the blog and be praying for all to go according to His plan. Love you guys!! Laura
