Friday, May 21, 2010

FBI Fingerprinting and an Alternate Universe

We successfully completed our FBI fingerprinting this morning at the Department of Homeland Security office in Omaha.  Unlike just about anything else in our adoption process, this was easy.  The DHS office is a beautiful, new facility.  There are competent people running the office.  Everything was running on time.  There were clear instructions.  The staff at the office were friendly and helpful - yes I said friendly and helpful.  The fingerprinting was simple, easy, and quick.  I chit-chatted with the lady taking my fingerprints and she was very personable and seemed to enjoy her job.

I'm pretty sure the whole office exists in some type of alternate universe.  Somehow the government has created a portal through the time-space continuum.  Through this portal, the government was able to create this office which I believe is made completely of anti-matter.  Being an exact opposite of the "typical" government office, it exists merely as an experiment.  This was the ying of the standard yang government office.  I don't think the people were even real, but were holographic images.  A nuclear reactor is likely deep underground at the center of the building providing the necessary power to drive the "good" into a goverment program.  What could be next?  Nice, efficient, friendly people at your local DMV?  I don't think they have perfected the technology to that point yet.

After the puzzling, yet delightful experience of the ying of the DHS, we headed to Panera.  We were done at the DHS by 8:30 am and so had some time to kill.  Heather wanted one of those, as she calls them, "yummy egg things" (must be said while twirling your fingers in small, quick circles) that Panera has.  While we hung out at Panera, we worked on our adoption timeline.  We've been wanting to put together the events that have happened so far along with the dates.  I'll be updating our blog to show our timeline - piecing it together little by little.  I feel like our blog is getting very crowded.  Need to figure out how to reorganize or take out some items.

After Heather completes her shopping here at Village Pointe (I'm blogging from the Paradise Bakery & Coffee), we will travel to Fremont to see Mom and Dad.  Then go back home.  We have to get home for a baseball practice for The Big Fella and a baseball game for T-bird.

Included are some pics of Eddie Joe - just because no one can "out-cute" Eddie Joe.  Actually he no longer wants to be called cute, he wants to be called cool.  So now, no one can "out-cool" Eddie Joe.

I'm also including some pics of the mess we have in our backyard following the septic system replacement.  The landscaping guys came this week so now at least it is seeded.  But it will be awhile until we have a plush, green yard again.  For now, instead of plush it is mush.

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